Wednesday, March 16, 2016

MLI's "Celtic Summer" as Mabon/Arwen Conversion by Kate Frederick

Several people have asked me for the notes on this conversion. It was on some older cross stitch message boards but rather than sending people wandering all over the internet or dealing with links or whatnot that may lead nowhere, I have decided to put her here so I always know where to find her, and how to help other people who have asked for the info. You will need the chart of Lavender and Lace "Celtic Summer" by Marilyn Leavitt-Imblum to complete the project, but here is the info of the colors I used. I do grant permission for this post entry to be printed off as people need. Always remember to credit the designer and respect copyrights :)      Enjoy! 


  1. Thank you so much. This is so amazingly beautiful.

  2. you are welcome! I look forward to seeing yours :)

  3. Kate,
    You are so talented when it comes to color changes and making changes to a pattern. You stitching is beautiful. What have you been stitching on lately? This weekend is IHSW. Have a great day!

  4. She's beautiful! Great conversion :)

  5. I love the conversion! Your finish looks fabulous :)

  6. Thank you everyone! Im hoping to catch on IHSW this next time, so glad it's back!...
