Friday, April 3, 2015

just wanna...

empty the stash bins for a whole day and revel in having the projects waiting to go, to be worked on, and when that is finally appeased, leaving a bunch set up so it's just a matter of 'grab and go' . This is my dream-- to have wips all set up and just needing time, and a safe place to store them that way. But this isnt possible for all of them due to the way life is crazy and my cat is not to be trusted either lol.
 Im not sure why this happens but usually it gets to bugging me when I dont get alot of stitch time, that I need to find a way to make it easier to accomplish. But maybe what needs accomplishing is more time set aside for what I'd like to do, and not letting it get commandeered by other things that somebody else can deal with. That is an ever- growing need lately, hmm...
  Maybe I should celebrate a day set aside for goofing off and that be the only thing, I could sure use a break in the routine.....


Faith... said...

I think sitting in your pile of stash sounds like a wonderful idea and one that I would love to do too! But then I would dread having to put it all back in some kind of orderly fashion.

Barbi said...

One day at a time and the rest will fall into place. I can't even find time to put my floss away after I've got a big bag of floss that needs to be sorted and I can't even get around to that.