Saturday, January 18, 2014

IHSW is coming!!

I love IHSW! It motivates me that I havta sit and stitch something- and enuf of it to warrant a pic and update the blog- and then seeing what everyone else is working on! Im hoping to do some new starts this weekend and hopefully get a little more stash unpacked if I can. We're sposed to get a bad snowy blustery day on Sat so that'll be perfect for stitching!!
All the chaos of the barns this week is finally over too, so I get a few days to relax before it all starts anew again. So IHSW was perfect timing in my world, and Ive really missed it in '13, so this is just wonderful that '14 is off to a proper start!  But since I dont have new pics of stitching just yet, I'll leave you with something cute and not so fuzzy lol. This is Sonic the baby hedgehog, my son got him for his xmas gift and he's only been here a week! They are such fascinating little urchins! :)


Karley said...

What a cute little gaffer!!

I have been following your stitching progress on a few other blogs and am happy to see that you are posting your successes through this site.

Just after the holidays I posted to the lavender and lace Celtic Winter with Hood as my daughter and I had spent the evening adoring the celtic ladies online and we love your recharted Imbolc conversion of Celtic Spring.
Would you oblige one more request for your conversion
Happy to connect

Kate said...

Barb are you on facebook? There is a group called Crosstitch Conversions and it's in there. We'd love to have you join us! :)

Katie said...

Aw too cute!

Carla - Alaska Wolf Pack said...

Hedgehogs are the cutest!!!

Lonneke said...

So cute!! How is he doing now?