Sunday, May 24, 2015

lost and found!

I was so happy to have unearthed this finally! Different times since the move I've hunted for it and came up skunked but not today! And it was a complete accident finding it, because it was not packed away in the Miras but in a tote that holds misc. Moving meant anything goes where it fits apparently lol. But at any rate, I slapped it onto some Qs and will be getting to it shortly. I havent done any needlework or artwork lately and this spring has been crazier than usual- but today has been a rainy day blessing so now I hope to make some good progress and not waste the rain we're getting that's given me this opportunity ;)...


demeter83 said...

Never seen this before, beautiful!

Bea said...

Looks like an interesting stitch. Enjoy your rainy day!