Since this weekend was the holiday of Lammas, what better time to work on my conversion for that holiday. It seems an age ago that she was started, at least a decade, and other projects took precedence. But not on her day, that would be insulting ;). So here's a starter pic, as you can see she hasnt even gotten "out of bed" yet, but it wont take long to get her set up and ready. I really miss working on my Celtics. Even when blessed with other
beautiful projects to work on, they still tug that it should be they who get my time! So I need to come up with a system to balance it out, yet when time is sparse it doesnt work.
Besides, the last few days have been mogged down in My Lady's Garden (of Endless confetti) and I could use a switch to a fast-moving wip. But I did get my mini goal done, which was all the flowers above the urn totally finished. I just wont think about the fact that there's a whole bunch more on the other side of the picture lol.
I really like the colours you're using. I think time, or more correctly the lack of, is a complaint most of us have. So many wonderful projects, so much gorgeous fabric and floss!
Lol, we're all the same boat arent we ;)
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