Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas leftovers

Today was the first lazy day I've had in a long time! And I made what I could as far as stitching progress. The project for today was My Lady's Garden, which I will be returning to shortly. I hope to get this one done in 2011 but there's acres of it to get thru lol. I just love the opulence of this one! My order didn't come before xmas so I'm hoping for this week. I also havent yet heard from my lns about the fabric I'm waiting for, so hopefully once holidays are done. Hard to be patient though! I'm also planning to do some switching stuff around, right now my stash is in rubbermaid plastic drawer towers and I'd like something more like furniture to store it in. DH mentioned making me a cupboard or trunk so we'll see what happens...
I've also been trying to plan out January and get some structure or at least plan of attack lol. I may save most of the new starts for 11-in-11 so I could enjoy them all year. There is also the Mermaid SAL coming up. Since I dont work the weekend I know I can have some fun with that. What has been catching my eye lately is old patterns I've had forever but never kitted or started. And I'm rather glad cuz now they can go on prettier fabrics ;). There's quite a few of MLI's angels and her Indian ladies, and bunches of TWs and samplers too. I need a day to just dig around and play in the stash! Perhaps when I get better housing for it, like a dresser or something if DH doesnt get around to building something