Monday, April 16, 2012


... seems to be the theme at the moment! 2 weeks ago I'd moved all stitchy stuff so i could paint the dining room (although we dont use it as a dining room) so everything stitchy is still in upheaval. But all the plastering, paint, and decor is finished now. But it's been over a week and I havent even wanted to dig back thru and get things sorted out again for stitching. Hmm, must be from having to do that for the remodeling -which is a headache-- that I dont wanna tie stitching to it lol. But maybe mojo will return, after all I miss it terribly, but there's just so much upheaval going on right now that to sit and do nothing is a treat and I typically cannot stand doing that!
I did get the rest of the Geishas from Mystic Stitch and they look so elegant. I plan to just do the lady and the main props, and skip doing the background for each one. Not sure who will be started next as I have nothing kitted for them, but I'll do them over-1 so they're not so huge. So maybe in a couple weeks I can have one ready, I'll have a weekend then with no plans so can recharge my mental batteries lol! for now I better go see what fellow bloggers are up to cuz Ive been offline as well. I keep telling myself this is only temporary!! and life will settle into a quieter routine in a month so just gotta hang in there


MysteryKnitter said...

I can't show anything. I have secret projects underway. ARRGH! But I can't but keep the secret.