Saturday, January 5, 2013

Celtic progress continues..

Next out of the WIP box was MLI's Celtic Autumn in my Samhain conversion. This conversion has quite a history. I bought the chart when Autumn was first released and got right into this project, then when the Lady was about 1/3 done my cat rebelled at me being gone all the time at work and shredded her. Alot of things changed that day when I got home- first off locking all my stitching stuff up unless Im holding it in my hands, followed by no more overtime or filling in for ppl who didnt have valid reasons, and finding out the project could not be fixed, the repairs would show no matter what I would do. Lesson learned! So it was some time till I got around to Samhain but she's back on the progress list now. Here she is at 5 hours progress, my goal was to get her face done, and her fabric is 28ct Sage jobelan.
 I also went to the lns for the Xmas sale, yay, and found some bargains and cute xmas charts. But my main haul that totally made my day was finally finding beads for Ireland- the burgundy of the horse's rug has proven a challenge to match beads to!! But I love the burgundy too much to change it. But I found the perfect beads and *even better* crystal shamrocks to replace the roses. I am SO happy cuz this was what Ive been searching for! So I just might start playing with beads next time Ireland gets a session. But first I haveta put some progress on one that's waited longer. So now to see who it'll be...


Brigitte said...

She's looking so great.

MarchAnn said...

You are doing a good job with her, beautiful. (second post 1st one went to internet land)

Susan said...

Great progress. Sorry the cat got the first one, but it sounds like it was for the better (except of course the stitching's). Great score on the beads and shamrocks - it feels so great when something like that happens.

Bea said...

She is lovely. Congrats on finding just what you were looking for - that always feels SO good. I know pets change your life, but your cat really went the extra distance!

Kate said...

Thank you everyone :)

Melissa said...

Your Samhain conversion is looking great so far! I can't wait to see more of this beauty :)

MysteryKnitter said...

Nasty cat. :(