Sunday, February 3, 2013


I for one am happy to see how many other people are changing colors and adding thier own personal touches to thier stitching. It seems to have exploded on facebook like a fireworks show, conversions are popping up everywhere and its awesome. I have yet to ever leave a pattern "as is," I always change things up a bit, or alot, to make it perfect for me. And I love seeing other people doing the same because those little changes are what makes the hobby so cool, enabling someone who may not have previously liked a pattern at all because they didnt like the color scheme to suddenly "Hey I like that instead so I'll stitch it now". Money spent on charts previously ignored! If I was designer I would love this, if I ever do become a designer I would encourage it. I compare it to houses or rooms- If you have 10 people with 10 houses nobody is gonna paint thiers all the same, nor use the same brand of paint, there wont be 10 blue bathrooms and 10 yellow kitchens. nor is there any such rule that it should be so. Color is the ultimate expression of humans, even the same exact color is handled differently cuz people are just naturally different. So bring on the color!! :) There is even a fb group dedicated to conversions and I get to play there so here is the link and we'd love to have some company....   
The conversion I spent the day on was my red Rose of Sharon, doing the over-one skin. But I haveta get that part done in order to go forward with the Big Change she's getting.... It looks awesome on paper but fabric is the guantlet lol. But it's so romantic so far. I also determined Im gonna use 3 strands of red on my wip cuz the coverage is lacking. Looking back this is also what stalled the orginal Celtic Xmas, I hated the fabric showing thru and she still waits lol. Hmm, other WIPs dont have this issue but I run into it with red for some reason. There is also a Rose of Sharon SAL group on fb, created by Cindy who's done fabulous conversions and designed a cool bird, a chough (chuff) to personalize her Cornwall LLCeltic. So while you're playing on fb be sure to look her up if you'd like to SAL with RoS.  
That said, I need to get back to RoS myself so I can get these Big Changes going lol, thanks for stoppin by, stay warm and safe and awesome :)


Annie said...

I agree wholeheartedly about changing things in patterns. Just like a house never truly feels like home until you add your own touch, a pattern becomes uniquely yours when you change it up a bit.

MysteryKnitter said...

That is so true.